Hi Adrian. Wanderlust is the word that races to mind reading about your trip. It seems to be pretty foundational in your pursuit of a "raw and real" experience. I hope this stirring manifests as a gentle guide helping you reach the new places you seek, rather than taking on a relentless pressure to reach ever higher peaks. I hope you don't mind i share my thoughts as a stranger. It's rather rare -and interesting to see people express their more esoteric thoughts so openly.

PS: your state of consciousness notwithstanding, I'm glad you did reach your destination. You look

decidedly underdressed for a night in the Pyrenees ;-)

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Hey Tom,

Thanks for sharing! I would agree that wanderlust is an appropriate word to describe it. The stirring certainly used to manifest itself in a relentless pressure but it doesn't anymore. Now it's more a matter of following curiosity and creativity, wherever that leads. Sometimes it's big bike rides and other times a good conversation with a friend. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts and I appreciate you taking the time out to write this! (Also, when the sun went down it was pretty damn cold but what can I say, I'm a minimalist)

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